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When you're shopping for a hydraulic log splitter pump, there are a few things you should do to make sure the pump is working properly and safely:

Read the instruction manual: The first thing you should do is read the instruction manual carefully. This manual will provide you with important information on how to assemble, operate and maintain your hydraulic log splitter pump.

Inspect parts: Before assembling your pump, you should inspect all parts to make sure they are in good condition and free from defects or damage.

Assemble the water pump: Once you have inspected the parts, you can start assembling the water pump following the instructions in the manual. Make sure to follow the steps carefully and tighten all bolts and fittings properly.

Connecting the Hoses: Once the pump is assembled, you will need to connect the hydraulic hoses to the pump and log splitter. Be sure to use the correct size and type of hose and fittings and tighten them securely.

Test the pump: Before using a hydraulic log splitter pump, you should test it to make sure it is working properly. You can do this by running the pump without any load and checking the pressure and flow rate.

Use the pump safely: When using a hydraulic log splitter pump, be sure to follow all safety guidelines in the manual. This includes wearing proper protective equipment, such as gloves and eye protection, and keeping your hands and fingers away from the moving parts of the pump and log splitter.

By following these steps, you can ensure your hydraulic log splitter pump is assembled correctly, works safely, and lasts.